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It’s nice to have a ray of sunshine illuminate my home from time to time, so that’s why I loved the idea of a glass front door surrounded by sidelight windows in our new home! However, the lack of privacy soon became a concern. This led me on a search for a solution that would lend some privacy and still allow my beautiful sunlight to keep shining through. It took some trial and error, but I finally got it right.

Trial 1: Privacy Film

I ventured out and bought privacy film. I struggled to smooth the film out and remove air bubbles for over an hour. After an hour trying to line the film up along the glass and a failed attempt at perfectly smoothing out the film to release those pesky air bubbles, I gave up! I told myself, there had to be a better way. And there was….

Trial 2: Gallery Glass Window Color

In my search to find an alternative, I stumbled upon the perfect solution – faux stained glass!

Here’s what I did to create the faux stained glass:


Window cleaner

Gallery Glass Window Color (color must say Crystal Clear, not White)

Optional – Small 1/2″ paint brush (Or just use your fingers. Yes, my method of choice was to skip the brush and just get my hands dirty!)


  1. Clean glass with Glass Cleaner and dry completely with tint-free cloth or paper towel.
  2. Squeeze Gallery Glass Color generously on the glass using a circular motion (thin layers will dry too fast and will not give a true stain glassed texture).
Squeeze Gallery Glass in circular motion
  1. Then use your finger or paint brush to swirl small circles.
  1. Should dry within 6 hours.

Please Note:

  • Gallery Glass has a consistency similar to Elmer’s glue. So be mindful not spread liquid too thin.
  • Some spots may remain white for a while. Don’t fret! hose spots will eventually become clear like the rest of your masterpiece.
  • You can clean your glass as usual once the gallery glass has dried completely.
  • The Gallery Glass will stay put as long as you want. But if you need to remove the Gallery Glass for any reason, it can be peeled off.

Final Product

DIY faux stained glass for less than $5


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1 Comment
  • Elizabeth
    September 11, 2015
